International Journal of Precious Engineering Research and Applications

  • ISSN: 2456-2734


S. No. Manuscript Title & Author Name Page No. Paper
1. Innovation in coffee post-harvest: development of an automation system for the drying process
Juan Pablo Pena Arenales, HeimarHernan Coronado Hernandez, John Jairo Serrato Gonzalez
01-09 pdf
2. Application of Image Processing Technique on Mangoes Color Changes Identification during Degreening Process
Amelia Gustina, Amin Rejo
10-14 pdf
3. Tradition And Updates In Human Resources Training System In Preuniversitary Institute
Maria-Magdalena Dorcioman
15-18 pdf
4. Development of graphical user interface based DOS environment for USB to RS232 converter
Dzufi Iszura Ispawi, Ahmad Nurrizal Muhammad, Mazlina Mansor, Bibi Sarpinah Sheikh Naimullah, Noor Azland Jainudin, Ishak Annuar
19-23 pdf